Thursday, 13 March 2014

WSB : Work Status For Lohit-Bengali .. :)

Hi all. Its time to mention the status of work done for Lohit Bengali.

As we have planned earlier about the improvements, the first thing was to go through  

1) Referential docs
  • OT rules specifications for bengali script by microsoft
  • Unicode core specification documentation
2) GSUB-Cleanup

3) Glyph-namings 
  •  Following AGL specification (We are just following syntax and not naming stuff yet. It will happen with script improvement for generating sfd to ttf)
  • Bengali font have lot many conjunct ligatures, since we are following AGL syntax, for glyph-naming step, they are exceeding 31 character limit. For such cases we are removing the script tag placed at the end(i.e.beng) 
  • though we had script written for these glyphs namings, it would be generated afterwards
4) Lookup writings
  • for this, we are presently following the microsoft OT rules specifications for bengali script [1]
  • Previously, with lohit version 2.5.3, there was no lookup defined for akhand forms, so that one is added in newer version
  • One more thing that has to be updated to Below-base form substitution is, previously used ligature is different than what it has to be.
  • Amongst these two in above screenshot, the rules has been written for the one on the left, but as per unicode specifications & MS typography specifications, it has to be the one on right. so it has been updated now .
  • so with this, we are done lookup writings for basic shaping forms. now we are at mandatory shaping forms
  apart from this, the  things yet to complete are :
  • To complete lookup writings for all of the forms 
  • Removal of glyphs which no longer needed 
  • Test-File creation 
  • Testing 
  • bug reporting, solving, & reviewing
So that's it for bengali right now. the development is been tracked at lohit2/bengali [2]. surely try to complete the other things asap. For any comments or issues github link is here [3].

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